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Saturday, May 21, 2011

That ‘baon’ box Judy Ann endorses? It’s proudly Korean-made...

A good part of that surge in popularity is due to movie star Judy Ann Santos, who endorses Lock&Lock in the Philippines. With her recent marriage to fellow celebrity Ryan Agoncillo, Santos has become a mom-homemaker herself, and thus a bona-fide member of Lock&Lock’s natural constituency.

The most basic items in the Lock&Lock portfolio, after all, are rooted in the home—specifically the needs of Korean kitchens. A typical Korean meal requires quite a number of side dishes and condiments, and so were born the airtight, stackable, ready-from-ref-to-table food containers in various shapes and sizes. Also, to accommodate traditional Korean fermenting practices for making kimchi, the company developed containers with open vents on top.

And, for mobile urban dwellers, it created the “Living Box”—lightweight storage boxes made of fabric and steel lining, in trendy colors, with a convenient twist: a transparent strip in front that allows one to check the box’s contents at a glance, without having to unzip the top flap. The “Living Box” is now among the company’s top-selling items in Korea.

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